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After Dark: Chicago Fire (Science Fiction Anthalogies Book 2)
After Dark: Chicago Fire (Science Fiction Anthalogies Book 2) Read online
After Dark
Chicago Fire
Mark Lee Ryan
Copyright © 2016 by Mark Lee Ryan
Cover and internal design © Mark Lee Ryan
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its publisher, Mark Lee Ryan.
All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. We are not associated with any product or vendor in this book.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Bonus Chapter
About The Author
Jeremy Patten discovers that he has a very unusual and unique skill. When Jeremy falls asleep he enters a world, a dream world where those around him are like him – asleep, but the stark difference is that Jeremy is conscious of the world he enters and unlike everyone else is able to bring realism to the dream world he has entered.
When Jeremy enters a dream he is able to play out whatever role he wants almost as if he is carrying out his day time life by two; one life by day and one life at night, where in the latter, his body and mind transcends to a new world. Jeremy starts to understand the power he possesses, and in turn learns to manipulate his powers to bring justice and correction in people’s life.
‘Chicago Fire’, is the second book in the After Dark series and follows on from, ‘The Story Begins’. Chicago Fire continues the romance between the main character Jeremy Patten and Tara Shield, and sees Jeremy uncover and help solve a number of interwoven mysteries, many years after the great Chicago fire. Utilising his unique skill the story twists and turns until Jeremy eventually helps bring justice to those haunted by the tragedy.
Chapter 1
Jeremy doesn’t know why he is wandering down Chancery Lane, but having cleared his thoughts he has been summoned and faces the red front door of No. 23. Before he has time to think about knocking, the door opens and he is greeted with, ‘Hello Jeremy. Thank you for meeting me.’ An upbeat and broadly smiling Julie Nancarrow introduces herself and shakes Jeremy’s hand before inviting him into her large apartment, located in the upper market area of Bridgeport.
‘Hello Julie. It’s nice to meet you. I gather you have something you wish to share with me? Jeremy adds. ‘Yes, yes I do. My family and I are haunted by a mystery, and whilst we concede that our father Thomas Stevens decided to leave, it still hurts, when we have had no contact from Dad in over 36 years.’ Jeremy can see that Julie is saddened by the circumstances but needs to know more. ‘Julie, let’s start from the beginning and tell me everything’, Jeremy diplomatically asks.
‘Jeremy have you ever heard of the great Chicago fire that occurred in June 1980 in Lincoln Square?’ Julie asks. Jeremy thinks for a moment and then adds, ‘No. That was before I moved to Chicago. In fact Julie, I can’t say I’ve even heard it mentioned.’ Julie looks into Jeremy’s eyes and with little emotion she replies, ‘I think Chicago has had that many crimes and events of significance that some just don’t get brought up. In any event it is a long time ago now and well, time moves on.’ She continues and adds, ‘My Dad was one of three land owners within the large industrial estate, and all three ran large businesses within that land holding. Dad owned a steel manufacturing company and it was big. Really big! Neither Dad, nor his two partners wanted to sell. So it’s hard to understand really, but the story goes that the three of them burnt the property down, collected the insurance monies and then all three left town. Dad had separated from Mum, but to this day I have never heard from him and neither have my brother and sister. Its gut wrenching, not knowing why he would choose to desert us and move on.’ Jeremy could see the pain in Julie’s eyes.
Julie explains that her parents had a messy and bitter separation so her mother doesn’t really care about her father, and has since remarried. Julie adds that with two young children she would love them to know their grandfather who Julie says would now be in his late sixties, and she too never really had time to get to know him. His partners were similar age and the three were very close, so in some ways it would make sense that if they decided to leave Chicago they would all do the same, she adds. Jeremy leaves Julie, but he knows that they will meet again and he is keen to help. She walks him to the door, thanks him and the pair say their good-byes as Jeremy slowly wanders the dimly lit street.
Keen to get answers Jeremy focuses his attention. He focuses on Thomas Stevens. No sooner has he focused on Thomas and he looks around surprised to be back in his apartment. Jeremy looks around and shakes his head. This is a first he thinks to himself. Normally when I focus, I end up walking a street, facing a door, meeting in a park? Jeremy shakes his head again, sits at his kitchen bench and ponders what has gone wrong. He again focuses on Thomas Stevens. He really focuses. He looks around but still remains in his own living room. Jeremy cannot understand what’s wrong. He decides to focus on Thomas Stevens, partner Richard Walker and goes through the same routine focusing and clearing his mind, shutting his eyes. He expects to open his eyes and be walking a street, a road that is new but again he simply remains in his apartment. Jeremy is dumb founded. What is wrong he wonders? Jeremy starts to think that the power he had has been lost. Lost and he is now a mere mortal again!
He sits and stares around the room, pondering and assessing the situation. He decides to focus on the third partner Tony Sunderland. He concentrates and clears his mind but again opens his eyes only to look around at the familiar surroundings of his own apartment. Jeremy starts to think that what was a unique skill, has been lost. He is back to plain Jeremy! He sits in his lounge room and starts to convince himself that the power he controlled is lost. Jeremy starts feeling sorry for himself. He feels that whatever grasp of power he possessed was short lived…..and it hurts to think that it has gone.
He sits back and his mind clears. Jeremy gives some thought briefly to Julie Nancarrow, and resigned to the fact that his powers have deserted him, sighs and clears his mind. He stares at the ceiling, thinking of nothing, he just stares. Then Jeremy is jolted as he finds himself walking, he looks up at the street sign that reads Third Street. Third Street he thinks. Where am I? He walks toward a block of apartments and is soon facing Unit 3, and before he can contemplate where he is, the door opens. A woman looks at Jeremy and says, ‘Hello Jeremy, I have been expecting you. How are you?’ Jeremy is dumb founded and whilst pleased that his powers have returned is miffed as to who this woman is. ‘I am Lauren. Lauren Wilks,’ the woman introduces herself as.
Jeremy is polite, but still confused and adds, ‘Hello. Sorry, but can you please explain who you are and why you have summoned me? ‘I’m Lauren Wilks but before I changed my name I was Lauren Sunderland.’ Jeremy is still confused, and looking Lauren in the eye asks, ‘Lauren, I don’t understand. Then he ponders and adds, ‘Lauren Sunderland? Are you Tony Sunderland’s wife?’ Lauren looks at Jeremy and then after a long pause adds, ‘Yes, I was married to Tony Sunderland. Well, until he was murdered.’ ‘Murdered, murdered, what on earth are you saying Lauren? I mean wow, where, what….I mean what are you saying?’ Jeremy stumbles and seizing upon Lauren’s words is now shocked at what he is hearing.
sp; Lauren composes herself and allows enough time for Jeremy to similarly get a grip of the situation. ‘My husband was murdered. I know that and hence the reason I moved here to Elmwood Park, changed my name and started a new life in the hope that those who pursued Tony would not know where to find me.’ Jeremy was still in shock. Whoa, he thought. ‘So why do you think this Lauren?’ ‘Think. Think this? Lauren laughs, but is clearly upset. ‘Jeremy, I know that my husband’s life was taken because he would not sell his business, and he spoke of being pressured. I know that he was scared and I believe strongly that Richard and Thomas too may have been murdered, because none of them wanted to sell. I don’t know exactly what happened. Tony and I had gone through some rough times but I moved here in fear that those who pressured Tony, Richard and Thomas may want to harm me.
Jeremy feels for Lauren but after some time advises her that it is time for him to be off. She thanks him and he slowly heads down the street, trying to piece things together.
Chapter 2
As Jeremy enters the Old Coffee Stop sitting directly in from the door is Tara and Mrs. Dooley. ‘Good morning’, Jeremy brightly declares. Tara and Mrs. Dooley smile and invite him to join them. ‘Well you two look as though you are getting along,’ he adds. Jeremy notices that Mrs. Dooley looks sprite and Tara too is clearly pleased to be in the company of the old lady. The trio chat for a half hour before Jeremy announces that he must head off to the office of Carter Gibson. Tara looks at her watch, gives Mrs. Dooley a quick hug and a kiss and stands to leave also.
As Jeremy and Tara leave Mrs. Dooley and slowly walk to work, he asks if she would like to join him for dinner this evening. ‘Sure,’ she replies quickly, ‘Let’s go to D’Angelo’s Café that seems a nice venue?’ Jeremy smiles, ‘That sounds perfect. Can we meet around 6.30?’ Tara smiles and says, ‘I will look forward to it.’ She gives Jeremy a quick peck on the cheek, and turns to head in her direction to work. Jeremy can barely hide his delight and cannot wait to meet at the end of the day.
Jeremy has a reasonably busy day ahead. He has a meeting to plan with his boss Matthew Warren and later in the day has to visit the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. Jeremy’s boss Matthew was recently promoted to partner following his investigative work that helped solve the Big Diamond Jewellery heist. And as a partner Matthew is now involved in bigger cases and that means that Jeremy too is being exposed to more interesting assignments. This morning the pair is planning for a presentation by the Superintendent of Chicago police, Ryan Golding which is scheduled for the following day. Matthew and Jeremy have been planning for weeks and all partners and lawyers will be present, so Matthew is keen to impress and wants to ensure that all angles are covered. The two go over seating arrangements, double check what electronic and technological equipment will be needed and more.
‘Jeremy I am excited about tomorrow and need you to ensure that the Superintendent is made welcome. The firm hasn’t had a senior police officer present to the firm on matters impacting the city for nearly two years, so Senior Partner Brian Topping is very keen to ensure that everything goes smoothly,’ Matthew tells him. Jeremy has heard the same little speech several times over in the past few days, but knows that Matthew is nervous and clearly out to impress given that it his first assignment as a new partner.
The meeting labours and Jeremy considers that every possible issue and arrangement has been considered and catered for. He has some property transactions he needs to attend to on behalf of Carter Gibson so he decides to use his time wisely at the Cook County Recorder of Deeds and researches the land ownership for the Lincoln Square industrial site. The transactions by nature are messy but Jeremy soon discovers that all of Tony Sunderland, Richard Walker and Thomas Stevens had leases for the respective businesses that they operated. The land is over several titles as it is a large holding and is currently registered to SD Properties private company, a company owned principally by Scott Dawson. The land has since been developed and comprises a large Shopping Centre and park, which borders a Retirement Village and substantial up market residential area.
Jeremy makes some brief notes and walking back to the office contemplates where he can gather more information. He is puzzled by the events, but senses that the trio of Walker, Sunderland and Stevens had their own reasons for moving on. He decides that this evening he will focus a meeting with John Mason, the retired Police Sergeant who conducted the investigation and also Larry Charlesworth the Insurance assessor.
The day has been busy but the afternoon drags for Jeremy. His mind is focused on the great Chicago fire and those that he had met with, but he is keen to meet Tara. Since she has been introduced to her grandmother Mrs. Dooley, Jeremy has seen less of her as grandmother and granddaughter are keen to make up for lost time. He is pleased that they have been united and knows that Tara is particularly excited every time she mentions she is catching up with her grandmother. But for Jeremy the evening is their first dinner date and he is very keen to see her and spend time alone.
D’Angelo’s Café is the perfect venue. The café is intimate with its separate dining booths and the dimly lit room gives it a romantic feel. Jeremy is early, and waits patiently for Tara to make an entrance, and that she does dressed immaculately, and with a broad beaming smile she soon spots him and sits down. The couple chat for ages and Tara is happy to share that she is enjoying her time with Mrs. Dooley, which Jeremy already knows, but he listens on intently and nods where appropriate. He is slowly starting to see Tara open up to him more, confide in him and generally trust him.
Tonight she speaks about her father for the first time. ‘Jeremy, you know that having found my grandmother I also found out about my real father? Well, I have contemplated whether I should visit him. What do you think? She speaks in a softly spoken and enquiring voice that genuinely begs Jeremy’s input. Jeremy weighs up the situation before offering his opinion. He pauses. He knows that it is a delicate topic. Tony Draper has only recently been jailed for his role in a jewellery heist after he had spent ten years of freedom. At around that time Tara’s mother decided to share with her that Tony was in fact her father following an affair, and Mrs. Dooley Tony’s mother. ‘I think you should do whatever your heart tells you.’ He finally adds.
The discussion went back and forth most of the evening and by the time their main meals had come and almost gone, Tara realises that she had allowed the subject to dominate the evening. ‘I’m sorry Jeremy. I have most likely bored you being so self-absorbed.’ ‘Not at all!’ he replies in a comforting tone. ‘I am happy to discuss anything Tara, really anything. I am just delighted to be with you.’ Tara smiles and gently rubs Jeremy’s arm acknowledging his support and he is flattered that he has been able to help.
The evening is a success and the conversation flows. Tara decides to change the conversation mindful of what she has just said and they banter back and forth before deciding to retire for the evening. It is a warm evening and Jeremy walks slowly with Tara escorting her back to her apartment. The two are slowly starting to get to know each other and Tara gives Jeremy a big kiss and hug before saying good night and leaving Jeremy as she enters her apartment block.
Chapter 3
The evening with Tara was everything that Jeremy had hoped and perhaps even a little more. No sooner home and he concentrates on the extended evening ahead. He focuses on John Mason, the retired Police Sergeant that investigated the Chicago fire. Jeremy focusses and is soon walking down Dawson Parade Lincoln Square. He stops at a very modern apartment block and stares at the directory. Mason, John; Penthouse Tower 1 it reads. The security door opens, as it has on many occasions before for Jeremy, and he knocks on the door after walking from the lift. ‘Hello, I am John’, a welcoming voice offers as he opens the door. Jeremy is invited inside and is in disbelief. The spacious penthouse overlooks a park, and the view looking further out through the large glass windows is picturesque with a light show of colour and buildings.
‘Wow’, Jeremy bleats, clearly impressed wit
h the view and the beautiful penthouse. ‘Yes, it is nice isn’t it?’ John softly adds. ‘Mind you, the novelty wore off pretty quick. I am here alone, never married and well, I suppose a home is what you make of it, no matter where it is.’ John plays down the opulence of where he lives and almost sighs as he talks. ‘So John, you moved in here when the development finished? Jeremy enquires. ‘Yes that’s right’, John quickly and bluntly replies. ‘Must have been a big retirement cheque?’ Jeremy adds half laughing as he again looks around admiring the penthouse. John plays down Jeremy’s question and mumbles under his breath ‘It was alright!’
‘Tell me John, the great Chicago fire would have been some investigation to be involved in before you retired?’ John again sighs and adds, ‘Yes, I suppose it was but hardly the highlight of my career.’ ‘Oh okay, I suppose you would have seen a lot of significant crimes.’ Jeremy acknowledges. ‘Yes, I was involved in many investigations. This was just one of them’ John offers. ‘John, it’s hard to understand why three businessmen would up and leave after the fire. What do you believe is the rationale behind that and can I ask what did your investigations conclude?’ Jeremy was struggling, but it seemed like a fair question. John paused and sat at a small table in the dining area, for the first time since he invited Jeremy in. ‘He runs his hand over his head of thinning grey hair then adds, ‘Well I suppose you would have to ask them that question wouldn’t you? As far as the conclusion of our investigation……well.’ John pauses for a second and then adds,’ it could never be proved that the fire was deliberately lit so the insurance company paid the three of them out for their insured losses.’
‘But John do you believe there was any real agenda for the developer? I mean do you think that there may have been some scandal behind the fire and a big flashy development going up?’ Jeremy pauses and then adds, ‘I mean look at this.’ He waves his arm around in a wide circle as he tries to use John’s penthouse as an example. ‘John it would seem easy to believe that there was a lot to be gained by some people to remove….demolish an old industrial site and replace it with a lucrative shopping centre, retirement home and large very upmarket residential area.’ John looks at Jeremy sternly before adding, ‘I suppose it is easy for people to see a scandal in a lot of things, but as a senior police officer I learnt a long time ago that you look at facts, not scandal every time something progresses. Yes, there were lots of theories running around back then…….I should know I was there.’ He is almost defiant in his statement and Jeremy can see that the old man is not interested in entertaining anything different.