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  Mark Lee Ryan


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  Copyright © 2016 by Mark Lee Ryan

  Cover and internal design © Mark Lee Ryan

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual locals, businesses, event or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its publisher, Mark Lee Ryan.

  All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. We are not associated with any product or vendor in this book.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

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  About the Author


  From the debut #1 Best seller on Amazon US with After Dark ‘The Story Begins’ comes another exciting and adventure packed novel that is as exciting from Chapter 1 as it is until the end.

  For over a hundred years the people in the tiny isolated village of Dereton talked about an adventurer Jim ‘Hunter’ Byrnes who claimed that he had found a lost tribe in the middle of the jungle. The tribe of little people had bright red eyes and drank bright red water, and Hunter claimed that they had eternal life. Hunter Byrnes was laughed out of town but the stories of the tribe’s existence continued to be a talking point with villagers debating the truth behind the myth.

  When Jack Murray a likeable larrikin in the village met with his three drinking buddies in the Grey Wolf Tavern he dared the men to find the lost tribe that had long been talked about. Jack’s friends not unlike him lacked direction in their lives and the challenge to expose the myth gained momentum in the space of a drunken night. Little did the four men know where their adventure would lead them? A gripping and exciting read that will captivate readers with this action packed tale.


  For over a hundred years the occupants in the small village of Dereton, an isolated community bordered by miles and miles of forest shared stories about a tribe of small people who possess unique powers. Almost written into folklore, talk of a villager Jim ‘Hunter’ Byrnes who had supposedly stumbled across the small elf like people was talked about over the years, and frequently debated. Hunter as he was affectionately known supposedly located the tiny people whom he said had strange red eyes and drank bright red water. He shared his story within the village, but in the absence of any firm evidence many of the then villagers dismissed his tale as nothing more than the rantings of an attention seeker.

  But despite the story being dismissed talk of the tribes existence continued. The likelihood of another race existing within reasonably close proximity to Dereton created a teasing reality that often stirred the emotions of the small close knit community.

  Today is one of those days and local knock about identity Jack Murray is keen to stir the souls of his friends Josh Harman, Sam Tinkins and Joe Stokes as they share a beer in the Grey Wolf Tavern in Dereton. The conversations normally jump freely from topic to topic in the tavern over a beer, but on this day the conversation continues a common thread as they joke and debate the truth behind the myth.

  ‘So guys, have you ever thought that a colony of small people could exist somewhere out there and we don’t even realise it?’ Jack waves his arm in the direction of the forest as he commands the group’s attention.

  ‘I mean, a tribe or whatever somewhere out there. Right on our doorstep?’

  ‘Nah, I don’t believe it,’ Josh scoffs quickly as he takes another sip of his beer from the large beer stein.

  ‘Well I for one think that it’s possible,’ rugged Joe Stokes interjects. ‘I mean why not?’

  ‘You know it has always been something that I have been curious about!’ An energetic Joe continues. ‘Where there is smoke there is fire and let’s face it this myth, tale, call it what you like has done the rounds in the village for a bloody long time. So long that I believe there is no reason it can’t have some substance to it.’

  ‘Yeah, there were apparently a lot of people that scoffed at ol’ Hunter. But it has been a talking point for over a hundred years,’ Jack adds. He laughs and then after taking another swig from his beer stein adds, ‘Perhaps he just told a bloody good story!’

  ‘Didn’t do him any good though!’ Josh interjects strongly. ‘I mean, the story goes that the villagers drove him out of town, dismissing his story as nothing more than that ….a story!’

  ‘I’m with Joe,’ Sam adds entering the conversation after sitting back and taking it all in for some time. ‘Where there is smoke there is fire and this story has continued to dominate talk in the village for over a hundred years.’

  ‘So you think there is a tribe or whatever out there just like Hunter said?’ Jack questions looking straight at Sam.

  ‘Yes, but that said there is nothing to say they are still out there. I mean I believe that Hunter may have stumbled upon something but that doesn’t mean they still exist!’ Sam fires back.

  ‘Yes but if the story is true, those little buggars’ had the elixir of life. Hunter reckons they had some water supply that gave them eternal life. Supposedly they would only die if they were killed or killed off by one of their own,’ Jack shares.

  ‘Geez, yes I have heard that one too,’ Josh laughs. ‘But then again it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s fiction and to be honest I’m still not convinced it’s not all bleeding fiction,’ he asserts.

  ‘Eternal water supply, these little guys are no more than four feet high and they have eyes that light up and allow them to see at night?’ Geez I don’t know! I just think the story started out with a few characters in mind and over time the story has just got bigger. A bit like your fishing tales Jack I reckon,’ Josh laughs.

  Josh and Jack slap each other on the back almost agreeing to disagree as Sam lines up another round of beers.

  ‘Do you think that they will ever find this race, this tribe of small people? I mean that forest is pretty dense and who knows what’s out there,’ Josh gazes posing the question to the group as he also ponders it to himself.

  ‘If there is something out there then eventually someone will find them,’ Sam adds.

  ‘Yeah I think you are right,’ Joe adds. ‘As a miner I know that we certainly came across a few natives when we cleared land to mine. Eventually someone will come across them if they really do exist.’

  The conversation is enough to keep the beer flowing at the Grey Wolf Tavern and the men all seem curious about the myth that has often been debated in the village.

  ‘We should all go on an expedition and finally solve this mystery once and for all!’ Jack insists. ‘Yeah, we should. All of us! We can and we should!’

  There is silence as the other three take in what Jack has shouted out loud. The silence continues as they stare at each other and Jack’s face is lit up waiting for a positive reaction from his friends.

  ‘Count me in,’ Joe adds excitedly. ‘I mean why not I’ve only just retired from the mines; I am fifty five, never married and may as well do something exciting whilst I’m fit, so bloody oath. Count me in.’

  Jack is now excited that what started out as a conversation between drinking mates is now starting to shape towards an exciting adventure. Not unlike Joe, Jack has no real ties as such and nothing to hold him back from the adventure, even if it is nothing more than pub talk at this stage. Although a likeable character around the village Jack who is thirty two years of age has a history of wandering from jo
b to job, has never settled down and really does need some direction in his life. Tall and skinny and with curly red hair Jack is carefree by nature, but his happy outlook has always won him many friends and he is a popular local identity.

  Both Joe and Jack are beaming with enthusiasm and focus upon Sam and Josh eagerly seeking their confirmation that they too will join the group on an expedition to find the elf like people that Hunter Byrnes boasted he had found over a hundred years ago.

  ‘Yeah, count me in too!’ Josh adds with enthusiasm. ‘If it’s good enough for my mate Jack then I have to go and be with you!’

  All eyes now focus on Sam. There is only friendly pressure as the others beam with excitement and look directly at Sam.

  ‘Oh, for crying out loud! Okay count me in too!’ Sam shouts as the group burst into a large cheer, clink beer steins and shout out. They raise their fists, hug each other and make enough noise that the other drinkers in the tavern just know something momentous is about to happen.

  Whilst talk of the expedition has been thrown together in the blink of an afternoon drinking session the four men do in fact share a lot in common. Just as Jack and Joe have no real ties and no family to hold them back, Josh and Sam share similar circumstances. Josh is Jack’s best mate the same age and longtime drinking pal. The two just love a beer and have known each other since their school days. Like Jack, Josh too lacks direction in his life, doesn’t have a partner and has been in and out of a variety of jobs but has a tradesman background as a cabinet maker. Josh is a short man around five foot eight, slightly built and has sandy scraggly hair. It is hardly surprising that he would follow his mate as he so often does.

  Sam Tinkins is aged forty seven, has only recently separated from his wife and is disgruntled with his life. His wife has been playing around on him with a local businessman and Sam is bitter and twisted. He too is easily led and although older, he admires the freedom that Jack and Josh have and yearns to relive his younger lost years. He is ruggedly built, a big tall man and is almost completely bald. If ever there was a group that could drift off with no real commitments and nothing to hold them back it is Jack, Josh, Joe and Sam. But the adventure is thrown together and will need some planning before they can head off in search of the elf like tribe and hope to have any success exposing the myth.


  Jack rolls over in bed as the sunlight pierces his bedroom through the makeshift curtains that hang from the window. The curtains are ragged and have been begging repair for over a year but Jack likes the fact that when the sunlight hits his room it acts as an alarm to wake him.

  But this morning his head is light and after a long drinking session with mates Josh, Sam, Joe and other town folk who joined in to celebrate their forthcoming adventure, he is content to roll back over and get a few more moments sleep.

  The four friends often enjoy a few beers at their regular, but last night even by their lofty standards the night became a long one and the beers continued to flow. Jack eventually turns over, lies back in bed and places his hands behind his head. He smiles and ponders the adventure that the best mates have agreed on as he stares at the bedroom ceiling. He is content and excited and takes a little time to reflect before getting up and scavenging some breakfast from his bare cupboards.

  Jack wanders through to his messy kitchen. He has never been one for tidiness and it shows with the living room off from the kitchen littered with clothes, some cleaner than others, and there is a stench that reeks of being a single and messy male. He contemplates food but decides on a shower to both wake him and also settle his head which remains sore and hung over.

  He is excited and after a shower is keen to see Josh, Sam and Joe to discuss supplies and continue to plan for their adventure. He slowly wanders down Tinsel Street where he lives, and then turns and heads towards Ryland Street towards Joe’s small cottage. The group had agreed they would meet to discuss their plans and having been at Joe’s place many times Jack knows that he can quite likely steal something from Joe’s normally well stock larder. The group’s plans to date are at best makeshift, but he believes that with four heads together they will be able to cover all that is needed.

  Jack knocks on the back door and enters in one swift motion, something he has done many times before.

  ‘Morning! Morning all,’ he shouts as he enters.

  ‘Keep it down Jack!’ Joe yells back laughing. ‘My head is still spinning from last night, so none of us need you to be yelling at the top of your voice.’

  Josh and Sam too appear to be nursing sore heads and hot coffee is order of the morning and Jack quickly pipes up and adds, ‘Joe can I have one of those too…….better make it black!’

  ‘So has anyone had a change of heart from last night,’ Joe asks as he slurps from his big mug of coffee.

  The men all look at each other and there is a consensus with nods and shakes of the head all round.

  ‘Right then, we need to discuss supplies, tents, food and grog and we need to be mindful that we can’t carry everything,’ Joe insists seemingly taking centre stage and organising the others.

  ‘Jack grab a note pad and make a list of what we need,’ Joe adds.

  ‘Here Sam, best you are scribe. You know I am not too good with writing or stuff,’ Jack adds laughing as he passes a pencil and paper to Sam.

  Sam doesn’t say a word and simply takes the pencil and prepares to make a list.

  ‘I have a four man tent and some canvas that can be added on to provide somewhere to sleep. It’s enough for one man to carry, so that will mean the remaining supplies will be carried by three of you,’ Josh adds.

  ‘Good.’ Sam says as he starts to write things down.

  ‘I am worried about food,’ Joe adds. ‘I think we can carry some items, but we will have to rely on what we can hunt and catch, and of course that is a bit of an unknown, but we really can’t carry a mountain of food!’

  ‘Nor can we afford to stock ourselves silly,’ Josh insists.

  The men all acknowledge Josh’s comments and again nod in agreeance.

  ‘Water and grog? We have to take some grog,’ Jack smiles forgetting monetarily that his head is still throbbing from the session the night before.

  ‘Sadly Jack, I think we must all accept that if we are out there for a while we can’t carry what we would otherwise like to. Maybe some whisky!’ Joe says.

  The men all nod in agreeance.

  The foursome devote the morning to making a list of items and supplies, and whilst not perfect, surprisingly they make progress. They aim to spend the next day getting their supplies, rifles and ammunition, clothing, tent, and be ready to depart at first light the following day. The issue of payment for their supplies is discussed and it is agreed that they equitably divide the cost of supplies.

  Sam and Joe are the older of the group and without making a scene the pair look at each other knowing all too well, that Jack and Josh are unlikely to be able to fully meet their share, and the older two will cover for them.

  ‘If we are leaving at first light the day after next, we better have a few drinks to celebrate at the Grey Wolf tonight,’ Jack shares with his normal cheeky smile.




  The men are all in agreement.


  The group is treated to sandwiches and a cold drink by Joe as he takes the opportunity to rid his larder of some perishables. They continue to banter and discuss their adventure with enthusiasm. After a bite to eat they agree that they will gather tents, rifles and ammunition, and other miscellaneous items which will be stored at Joe’s place. Food items and farewells will be the order of the following day, and the latter already has the men thinking.

  ‘I will look forward to telling Mary that I am heading off on an adventure! I doubt she will bloody care to much now that she has moved in with that grub Tom Huddle,’ Sam says bitterly.

  ‘Bloody meant for each other, that’s for sure,’ he continues to mumble.

  ‘Don’t worry about her Sam. I mean I can’t really talk having never married, but sounds to me that you are better off moving on,’ Joe adds trying to comfort his mate.

  ‘Here, here,’ Jack adds supportively.