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After Dark: Chicago Fire (Science Fiction Anthalogies Book 2) Page 3
After Dark: Chicago Fire (Science Fiction Anthalogies Book 2) Read online
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Jeremy’s day has been a long and successful one. But he is focused on the evening ahead and has plans to meet with Superintendent Golding and also Lauren Wilks. There are still questions, but Jeremy is starting to feel that he knows what took place and is keen to bring things to a conclusion and those responsible to justice. The evening comes around after Jeremy prepares himself a light dinner and stays indoors. He goes over what he has discovered and like a jigsaw his notes are spread over his kitchen bench where he sits and sips on a glass of white wine. Jeremy is excited.
He focusses on Superintendent Golding and is soon walking down Emerald Parade. He looks at the street sign and turns and enters the small wrought iron gate that leads up a path to number 27. He knocks on the door and is greeted by the Superintendent who extends his hand and warmly greets Jeremy. ‘Come in.’ he adds. ‘Thank you Superintendent, thank you for meeting with me.’ Jeremy replies. ‘Call me Ryan,’ the Superintendent adds as he smiles at Jeremy. ‘Ryan, I am here to discuss the great Chicago fire. I am convinced that the truth never came out and I know that there are people…..the families of Stevens, Walker and Sunderland, who want answers.’ Jeremy asserts. Ryan Golding is taken back but listens intently and as he asks Jeremy, ‘Go on I am all ears, what do you know?’ ‘Well, I believe that Stevens, Walker and Sunderland were murdered. I mean it doesn’t make sense that three men would disappear without a trace. Ryan I have done some research which I will leave with you, but there is one item that I am unable to check. And that is who received the insurance monies or how those monies were spent?
Jeremy talks for ages relaying everything that he has uncovered as the Superintendent continues to listen on intently. Jeremy can’t hide his excitement although he is unable to explain anything other than a hunch that Stevens, Walker and Sunderland are deceased. The two talk for ages and well into the late evening before Jeremy announces that it is getting late and he has to move on. Ryan gets up from the comfortable lounge room suite and as the pair head towards the door Jeremy removes a large parcel from under his coat and places it neatly on the coffee table in the lounge. It is marked clearly – Information for Ryan Golding -Dawson Parade, Lincoln Square 3.00pm. The Superintendent doesn’t notice as Jeremy places the parcel on the table as he shows Jeremy out. Ryan waves to Jeremy as he slowly disappears down the quiet street. Once he is out of sight of Ryan, Jeremy focusses on Lauren Wilks. There are still some pieces to the jigsaw that don’t quite add up and he is determined to meet with her.
He focusses and is soon at her doorstep. He knocks and Lauren greets him with a big smile and polite kiss on the cheek. She seems delighted to see Jeremy and adds, ‘Lovely to see you Jeremy. I suppose I lead a quiet life, look over my shoulder a lot and keep to myself, so it’s nice to have company occasionally, ‘She explains. ‘Who do you think would harm you Lauren and why?’ Jeremy asks. ‘I have always thought that those that pursued and murdered my husband may believe that I know something. Tony often would speak about the pressure that he was under and how he was continually being pushed to sell his land holding. So when Tony went into the factory that night I think he may have disturbed whoever was about to burn the place down.’ She adds in a softly spoken and emotional voice.
‘Lauren, do you know who would be responsible?’ Jeremy asks. ‘No, No. I have no idea. Tony was a very intense person. He would keep things bottled up. All I know is that someone, someone that is powerful enough had got to Tony, because he was a strong person and wouldn’t normally let things….people get to him. So whoever is out there….still out there, is a powerful individual.’ She replies. ‘Lauren you told me that Tony and you had gone through some rough times. If you don’t mind me asking what did you mean by that?’ Jeremy begs. Lauren looks sullen, becomes teary and looks at Jeremy with tears slowly running down her cheeks. She doesn’t try to hide her feelings and in a very soft voice adds, ‘We were estranged for a while. We separated and I had an affair, a brief affair.’ Tony was furious when he found out and whilst some people that know us, think that it was the reason that Tony decided to leave Chicago with the other two, I know that he was pressured. I am convinced that the night he went to the factory and didn’t come back he was murdered.’ She sighs pauses and tearing up adds, ‘But I just don’t know by who!’
Jeremy thinks as Lauren collects herself, and then adds, ‘Lauren, do I know the person you had an affair with?’ Lauren then breaks down crying and mumbles, ‘Scott Dawson…….it was Scott Dawson the Property Developer.’ Jeremy can’t believe what he is hearing. ‘Wow’, he adds. ‘Lauren, do you still see Scott, I mean are you still romantically linked?’ Lauren fights back tears and then looks up at Jeremy. Her mascara and tears are running down her face but she looks at Jeremy and then replies, ‘No. I still see Scott and he has been tremendous support but we are nothing more than friends and he hasn’t sought anything different. His wife left him several years ago and that was a bitter separation. He is a really nice man actually,’ she quips.
He sits with Lauren after she offers to make them both a coffee and he waits until she recovers. In between sniffles she slowly gathers herself and then Jeremy announces that he is heading off for the evening. As Lauren escorts Jeremy to the front door he turns, removes a small note from his trousers that reads 113 Dawson Parade 3.00pm and neatly places it on the kitchen bench next to his empty coffee cup. Jeremy has learnt that if he leaves a note, a gift or something similar those that he leaves it with will recollect events the following morning like many people recall their dreams. He says goodnight to Lauren and is soon walking the street and pondering the events of the evening.
Jeremy is satisfied that things are falling into place. He walks slowly and cannot help but think of Julie Nancarrow. Julie was the start of the saga and he had promised himself that he would meet with her again. He feels that he needs to ease her pain and whilst arguably premature Jeremy nonetheless, just wants to tell her that everything is on track. What exactly would he tell her he thought? Jeremy unwittingly has focused upon Julie Nancarrow and is walking down Chancery Lane where his adventure had started and is facing the red front door of number 23. He knocks. ‘Hello Jeremy,’ a beaming and bright Julie greets him. ‘Hello’ Jeremy replies unable not to match Julie’s broad smile.
‘Julie, since we last met there has been some developments. A lot of investigation and I know that you seek answers. It is fair to say that you have been on my mind and I simply want to help you understand what happened, what happened to your father. Julie, the answers are within reach.’ She is puzzled, but nods and sighs at the same time. Jeremy knows that there is an element of resignation in her eyes, an element of confirmation of her fears and she clasps Jeremy’s arm and rubs it as she murmurs, ‘Thank you, thank you.’ Jeremy looks into Julie’s eyes and as he shakes her hand and gives her a soft kiss on the cheek he turns to head out the door. As Julie turns to escort him out he leaves a small note on the coffee table ………Superintendent Ryan Golding, Chicago Police Department. He knows that she will contact Ryan and get the answers to the mystery that has been haunting her and her family for so long.
Jeremy decides to call it a night.
Chapter 7
Jeremy walks into the Old Coffee Stop and is pleased to sit down and have a coffee with Tara. It seems likes ages since the pair has seen each other and Jeremy is keen to hear how Tara and Mrs. Dooley had got on visiting Tara’s real father at the local prison. Tara is her normal vibrant self and today is no exception. ‘Jeremy, I have so much news to talk about, I am not sure we will have time enough this morning,’ she laughs as she shares her excitement. ‘So the visit was good then?’ Jeremy asks. ‘Yes, I think both grandma and I were pleased and we walked away happy. So I think that’s a sign. Tony…..I mean Dad seemed very excited to see us Jeremy, so it’s a start and I am happy to keep in touch.’ Jeremy smiles and hugs Tara sharing her excitement.
‘Perhaps we can catch up tonight Tara and you can tell me more?’ He asks as Tara quickly replies, ‘Y
es, Yes, of course. I want to Jeremy and can’t wait to share everything. What say we meet at D’Angelo’s Café at 6.00 and I will tell you everything,’ Tara almost shouts with excitement. Jeremy nods, gives Tara a quick kiss and slowly heads out of the Old Coffee Stop on his way to Carter Gibson.
Jeremy sits at his workstation and ponders how the day will unfold. He goes over in his mind the steps that he has put in place and genuinely believes that justice will prevail. The mystery, the facts, he thinks have got to come out. Jeremy has a busy day ahead but cannot help thinking of what will hopefully unfold in the early afternoon. He even thinks to himself that if he is right and things fall into place he will sit back with Tara and celebrate with a quiet drink, although Tara is unaware of what he has been working on after dark…….and in any event how could she be aware?
Jeremy sits and watches the clock move closer towards 3.00pm. As he watches on Superintendent Ryan Golding walks out of his plush office in the CBD and walks down to the ground floor to see Sergeant Ron McIntyre. Ron sees the Superintendent coming and with a warm smile greets his superior and adds, ‘Good afternoon Superintendent.’ ‘Good afternoon Ron. Ron, I need your help. I have a very warm lead that hopefully will see the two of us solve a long standing crime in this city,’ Ryan Golding replies. Ron McIntyre grabs his hat and quickly bounds out of his chair to join with the Superintendent. ‘Let’s go! It will be a pleasure. I look forward to you filling me in on the way. Is it far?’ he asks.
The pair head out of the city towards Lincoln Square. It doesn’t take long and they are soon heading down Dawson Parade. Ron McIntyre looks over at his boss and is curious when they pull up at 113 Dawson Parade. It’s a familiar address and one that Ron knows well. They park their unmarked car and the pair proceed to number 113 in the relatively well known landmark address. A Rottweiler barks and barks and snarls at the Superintendent. Ryan laughs as he adds, ‘Bloody dogs, I have never really been a fan.’ As he finishes his words he notices that the dog licks Ron McIntyre’s hand and his tail wags madly. Ryan Golding looks on, before a familiar face in Scott Dawson opens the large gate and invites the two in.
‘This is an unexpected pleasure Superintendent and Sergeant.’ He adds with a warm smile. Ryan adds sharply, ‘Unexpected maybe. Pleasure….well NO.’ Scott Dawson is taken back and as he escorts the Police Officers inside Lauren Wilks is seated and looking up and with a surprised look on her face, simply offers, ‘hello.’ ‘Hello, madam,’ Superintendent Ryan Golding adds politely before introducing himself. ‘I am Superintendent Ryan Golding and this is Sergeant Ron McIntyre.’ Ron McIntyre looks at Lauren with a surprised look on his face as Lauren looks back smiles and nods politely.
The Superintendent sits around a table with Scott Dawson, Lauren Wilks and Sergeant Ron McIntyre. ‘Do you know what this is all about Scott? Do you know why I am here?’ the Superintendent asks. ‘Well, no not really,’ Scott adds in a quietly spoken voice. ‘The great Chicago fire Scott. You did pretty well out of that.’ Ryan adds. As he speaks the group look up and three police officers walk in and stand at the doorway. The Superintendent looks over at them and continues. ‘It appears that you had another partner in the Lincoln Square development Scott. Sometimes I feel you need to pick your development partners more wisely,’ he adds. Scott hangs off the Superintendents words and looks over towards Sergeant Ron McIntyre, who is similarly staring Scott in the eyes.
The Superintendent continues. ‘I have investigated what happened with the cheques from the insurance claims. The bank has confirmed that they were never negotiated by Stevens, Walker and Sunderland. Oh, don’t get me wrong even the bank until now thought that everything was above board, but upon closer investigation the cheques went in and out, and ended up being deposited into an account that was a partner to the Lincoln Square development.’ Scott Dawson again looks up at Sergeant Ron McIntyre who is looking squarely back at him. ‘We also know that there was a number of property transfers that mask the ownership of Stevens, Walker and Sunderland,’ Ryan adds. Scott Dawson adds, ‘I am unaware of those transactions Superintendent. I have no idea what you are saying or implying.’
The Superintendent then turns towards Sergeant Ron McIntyre and bluntly asks, ‘Ron we know where the money went, don’t we? We know who did the property transfers and we know that you own a significant portion of Lincoln Square shopping, retirement and housing. And Ron I also know that you locked Thomas Stevens and Richard Walker in the factory before you torched it. And when Tony Sunderland accidentally turned up and tried to stop you, you murdered him.’ Ron McIntyre is sweating profusely looks around the table at the Superintendent, Lauren Wilks and Scott Dawson and then bleats out, ‘Who told you that?‘ The Superintendent pauses, looks at Ron McIntyre and adds, ‘Well you did……..you just confirmed it.’
Scott Dawson and Lauren Wilks are aghast. They are both in disbelief at what they have just witnessed. What they have both heard. Scott leans over and gently places his arm around Lauren. He slowly pulls her towards him and hugs her as they stare at Ron McIntyre in complete shock.
Sergeant Ron McIntyre lowers his head as tears start to run down his face. He looks up, looks at Lauren Wilks, then Scott Dawson and then turns very deliberately towards Superintendent Ryan Golding before slowly adding, ‘Yes, yes I did it.’ Superintendent Ryan Golding turns to the three police officers standing in the doorway and simply adds, ‘take him away men.’
Bonus Chapter
Thank you for reading Book 2 – Chicago Fire. This book is the second in the Science Fiction Anthologies and follows on from ‘The Story Begins’, which as the title suggests is the beginning of Jeremy Patten’s discovery of his unique powers, and provides an insight into his dream world after dark!
As this book goes to print, Book 3 – The Mystery of Highland Manor is already in concept and I would love to welcome you as a reader of this ongoing series. The Bonus Chapter is Chapter 1 in the first book and I hope you enjoy the introduction, and may feel compelled to grab Book 1 for FREE and please thereafter write a review. Your comments will be greatly appreciated.
‘Can I join you for a coffee?’ Jeremy Patten politely asks Mrs. Nancy Dooley. The eighty six year old lady looks up, smiles and replies in a softly spoken voice ‘Certainly’, nods at Jeremy and watches as he sits next to her carefully placing his coffee cup and saucer on the table. Jeremy had occasionally shared pleasantries with Nancy but never before had they sat and talked. It seemed weird the Old Coffee Stop was never this quiet and Jeremy looks around noticing that the pair essentially have the shop to themselves, providing even more reason for Jeremy to comfort the old lady.
Jeremy has a heightened sense today and places his little finger in his ear and shakes the eardrum trying to numb the ringing of what seems like voices in his head. He dismisses it and focuses on Nancy and enquires how she is. ‘So tell me Mrs. Dooley, how have you been lately? It seems ages since I have seen you.’ Although as he speaks Jeremy knows that he runs into Mrs. Dooley at least weekly sometimes more as they are both regulars at the Old Coffee Stop, a coffee shop not far from where Jeremy works as a lawyer and similarly only walking distance for Mrs. Dooley who lives in an apartment on her own just around the corner. ‘I have been OK, health wise’, Nancy replies, ‘but it does get lonely and I do pine for the company of my son and granddaughter.’ Jeremy is taken back, ‘Oh I didn’t know’ Jeremy offers, trying to be both sorry but also surprised, as he had never spoken more than half a dozen words to Nancy and really didn’t know that much about her. Stumbling his words Jeremy asks ‘Well have you tried to make contact Mrs. Dooley, I mean do you know where they both are?’ ‘Oh yes’, Nancy quickly replies. ‘Well I know where my son is, he lives here in Chicago, although I haven’t seen him in years and he doesn’t want to see me. And my granddaughter well NO, I don’t know where she lives and I don’t even know her name.’ The old woman looks ahead, her eyes glaze and she looks through Jeremy for just a moment as she reflects upon
what she has just said.
Jeremy again unwittingly places his small finger in his ear and shakes it to numb the ringing of voices that seem to invade his head. He reflects for a moment and is surprised at the conversation he is hearing from Mrs. Dooley. She is clearly getting a lot of feelings out in the open and Jeremy is flattered that she shares with him her closest secrets, which until now he had no idea of. She seems emotional and clearly there is some anger that the old lady has deep within, and that emotion has been stirred but also surprisingly volunteered. Just as Mrs. Dooley places a lighter bit of spin on things, declaring that her pet canary is her closest friend, the pair turn and smile at the incoming Tara Shield. Tara looks lovely as ever with her stunning long brunette hair, and as always is immaculately dressed, something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by Jeremy every time he sees her. Tara is wearing a tight black skirt, white top, high heels and has a beaming smile as she enters the coffee shop.