Search for the Dorak: The Myth Exposed Read online

Page 3

  ‘Hello there Jack! Hello adventurers!’ Bob Litchfield the Butcher is the first business they pass and he is again quick to yell out his good wishes from across the road, as he leans out the window of his shop.

  ‘Thanks Bob,’ Jack yells back as all of the men give Bob a big smile and friendly wave of their hands.

  It’s an encouraging start and the men are excited as they file into the General Store and take orders from Sam as they gather essential food items and other supplies.

  ‘Do we need some sweets?’ Josh laughs as he walks slowly passed the sweet and confectionery stand.

  ‘Stick to the list!’ Sam yells back laughing and acknowledging that Josh is being light-hearted.

  ‘I can see we are going to have to baby sit these young fellas,’ Joe laughs as he turns to Sam.

  The list is long and has been well thought out but it was also agreed when the list was finalised that they cannot carry everything. Food and other items will take two heavily weighted back packs, a third will carry the tent and canvas and the fourth ammunition. Each man will carry their own weapon as well as clothes.

  The men have spent considerable time wandering the aisles of the small General Store and have their hands full as they approach the front counter.

  ‘Not your normal weekly shopping here Sam?’ A smiling Jon Butterfield the local Store owner says as he extends his hand and firstly shakes Sam’s hand and then the others.

  ‘No, your profits will be down now we are leaving,’ Sam laughs.

  ‘Well I wish you all the best gentleman, if I was a bit younger I would join with you. I think it’s an exciting adventure and I look forward to seeing you back here soon with confirmation that there really is little men out there with big red eyes.’

  ‘Thanks Jon, it means a lot to have your support,’ Sam replies realising that Jon is sincere and humbled by his comments.

  The morning goes quickly. The General Store, The Bakery and the Gun Shop take the men longer than they had thought but well-wishers too slow the group down as they stop to chat and share stories, receive hugs and more.


  Following their return from the village the men are quick to organise food, ammunition and back packs ready for their early start tomorrow morning. Sam and Joe sit back and enjoy a cup of tea and watch on as Jack and Josh head off to say one last farewell to family.

  ‘Not too many beers tonight fellas. The last thing we need is for you men to have a sore head tomorrow as it will be a long day,’ Joe yells as the two younger men head out the door.

  ‘No we’ll be behaving Joe. Don’t worry!’ Jack yells as he continues to walk.

  The two men walk together before Jack starts to cross the road towards his mother’s house.

  ‘Be nice!’ Josh insists.

  ‘Yeah, yeah I know. I won’t be long and then I will head home to have some stew with Joe and Sam. Say hello to Ron and Teresa for me will you? Jack says as he continues walking.

  ‘And Josh….give Jodi a big kiss for me,’ Jack laughs as he continues on his way.

  ‘As if that will bloody happen,’ Josh yells back.

  Jack enters his mother’s house and the elderly woman is quick to greet him as he walks in the door, wraps her arms around him and plants a big kiss on his cheek.

  ‘What’s that all about?’ Jack asks surprised by his mother’s reaction. Jack’s mother has always been a good Mum, a little overbearing if anything, but Jack cannot remember the last time he received a big hug. Normally it is a welcoming and parting kiss but this is certainly an unusual show of emotion and Jack is clearly taken back.

  ‘Oh can’t your ‘ol Mum give you a hug once in a while. I am going to miss you son and although I think it is a senseless adventure, I am resigned to the fact that you are going no matter what I say.’

  Jack stares at the old woman and ponders before adding, ‘Yeah Mum I am going, but I will be back. It’s not for ever. We will all be back. We won’t be gone long. We really won’t,’ Jack adds trying to comfort the old woman.

  * * * * *

  Josh meanwhile is similarly greeted by his parents Ron and Teresa. No sooner in the door of the small and quaint cottage, and Jack can smell the roast dinner and the smell wafts through the whole house providing a warm and comforting feeling.

  ‘Good to see you son,’ Ron shakes his sons hand firmly before patting him on the back.

  ‘Oh, let me look at that boy,’ Teresa stands back ready to take Ron’s place as he finishes patting Josh on the back and Teresa hugs him tight and gives him a big kiss.

  ‘Gee anyone would think I am leaving for good,’ Josh jokes.

  ‘Well you better not be young fella, we support you but we want you back safe and sound too. Now, what say you have a beer with your old man whilst your mother gets that roast ready?’ Ron quips.

  Before Josh has a chance to say anything he turns to see Jodi has walked into the small room.

  ‘Well if it isn’t my younger brother the adventurer,’ Jodi says somewhat arrogantly.

  ‘Now Jodi, what did we say about being nice to your brother on his last night in Dereton,’ Teresa reminds Jodi sternly.

  ‘Good to see you sis,’ Josh adds.

  Ron pours two beers and the men clink glasses as Jodi adds, ‘Well it doesn’t matter what I think Josh and besides I have already shared my thoughts.’

  ‘Yes, perhaps we need to agree to disagree,’ Josh adds as he wipes the beer froth from his lips with his shirt sleeve.

  Jodi sits at the table but is disinterested in conversation preferring to play with Tabby the families pet cat, whilst Ron and Josh enjoy another beer and Teresa Harman continues to potter in the small kitchen preparing dinner.

  The family sits and feasts on Teresa’s delicious home cooking. Lamb roast complete with trimmings, baked potato and carrot, beans and an ample serving of gravy. Josh has always loved his Mum’s home cooked roast and his plate is piled high.

  ‘I better take it easy with the beer’s Dad. The boys want to make an early start so I can’t afford to have a heavy head,’ he laughs and shares.

  ‘Just one more. That won’t kill you. Besides I have seen you down the Grey Wolf Tavern hoeing into a lot more than this,’ Ron insists.

  ‘Okay, last one Dad,’ Josh laughs.

  The evening is enjoyable but after a delightful dinner, it’s time for Josh to leave. The farewells are teary and Teresa can’t help but show her emotion as she again gives Josh a big hug, squeeze and an extra-long kiss on the cheek. Ron is more reserved but it is clear too that he will miss his son and the pair embrace and share a long firm hand shake that seems to last a little longer than usual. Jodi stands in the doorway before lunging forward as Ron finishes his hand shake.

  ‘Take care…..we will all miss you,’ Jodi whispers before placing a quick kiss on her brother’s cheek.

  Teresa and Ron are taken back at Jodi’s sudden show of emotion, and Teresa nods and smiles at her daughter acknowledging her appreciation for her daughter’s act of love for her brother.

  Josh leaves and slowly walks back to Joe’s place where he will spend the night. He reflects upon the evening and even Jodi’s touching farewell. The gravity of the situation and the impending adventure now takes on a chilling reality and Josh for a moment takes it all in.

  It is a short walk to Joe’s house and the three men are sitting around a table, relaxed and enjoying a pot of tea as Josh enters.

  ‘How was your Mum?’ Josh asks Jack.

  ‘Surprisingly bloody good!’ Jack replies promptly smiling and Josh can see from his expression that the meeting went well, and is pleased.

  ‘Well then, we really are all set. There is no looking back then!’ Josh announces as he pulls up a chair to join the others.

  The men banter and chat and share their stories from their last day in Dereton before retiring for the evening. Joes waves his big hand to say goodnight and heads to his room as Sam, Jack and Josh make themselves comfortable in their make shift b
eds in the cottage lounge room.


  ‘Wakey wakey!’Jack hears the quietly spoken voice of Joe as his shoulder is gently rocked back and forth.

  ‘Time to get up my friend,’ Joe adds.

  Jack looks around the room as he starts to focus and wake up. Josh is up and starting to fold the bedding from his night’s sleep and he spies Sam wander into the kitchen.

  It’s early and the sun is yet to rise but Joe is again organising the group and keen to see them head off as planned.

  ‘Go and wake yourself up with a cold shower,’ Joe suggests.

  ‘I think Sam is in front of you, but he won’t be long. It will do you good and wake you up,’ he insists.

  Jack does as he is told and slides out from under the bedding and like Josh has done he folds the bedding before heading down to take a shower. The men start organising themselves around Jack who is the last to get out of bed. Their allocated back packs are packed and ready and lined up on the cobble floor under the verandah. Jack looks around as he folds his bedding. He can see that Joe has been up for a little while longer than the others and is making last minute arrangements. Jack knows too that Joe will be instrumental organising the group on the adventure and is delighted that he is joining them. He thinks to himself that they would be lost without Joe.

  Jack enters the small bathroom as Sam saunters out, his hair brushed and still wet. He is keen to have a quick shower and join the others in the kitchen, and can hear Joe starting to prepare breakfast. Joe shared last night that he would have a cook up, and ensure that everyone was fed for their long day. Jack lays out his clothes on the bathroom floor and wastes no time stripping and getting under the cold water to ready him for the day ahead. It is still dark and as he starts to think about the adventure ahead the smell of eggs and sausages wafts through. He hurries himself so that he can join the others.

  The small kitchen table is organised as Jack enters the room.

  ‘Good morning all,’ he announces as he pulls out the last remaining chair at the table. Joe has plates set on the table and he turns to acknowledge Jack, smiles and turns his head back again as he watches over breakfast.

  ‘Are you excited Jack? I mean let’s face it Jack, this is your adventure. It all started because of you,’ Josh announces proudly.

  Jack had not really thought about it but yes it was his plan, his suggestion that the group get together and head off in search of the tribe of small people. Jack didn’t want to labour thinking about it, and just smiles at his good friend as Joe takes the pan off of the small cooker and prepares to serve breakfast.

  The men dig in and delight in Joe’s cooking. They share some small talk as they enjoy their breakfast, and are all excited about their adventure.

  ‘Gentleman put your plates in the sink when you are finished and that will be my last job to wash up, then we can grab the back packs and head off. It won’t be long and the sun will be up and we can have some light to head into that dense forest,’ Joe shares.

  One by one the men finish their meal and do as Joe asked placing their plates in the small sink. Joe washes up as the men now congregate outside, gather their back packs and are ready for what will no doubt be a very long walk.

  Joe doesn’t take long before he joins the men. ‘Right, all locked up and ready,’ Joe declares as he closes and locks the small cottage.

  The men proudly walk down the street and head to Ripley Street where they will access the forest and head northwest. Daylight is just piercing the skyline as the sun slowly starts to edge up in the East.

  ‘Right on time,’ Sam declares as he sees light slowly breaking through.

  ‘Well gentleman, let the adventure begin,’ Josh replies.

  As the group slowly walk, and turns into Ripley Street they all look up but no-one says a word.


  The men are stunned! They all have large smiles on their faces as they recognise family, friends, neighbours, co-workers and nearly everyone in the village of Dereton. Drums continue to beat as they walk towards the massive crowd of people.


  ‘Bloody hell!’ Jack yells.

  ‘Looks like we are going out with a bang! Oh my God! It must be everyone in the village down here,’ Sam cries out emotional and choking on his words as he stares ahead.

  ‘Congratulations men! Congratulations we are all behind you,’ a jubilant and upbeat Bob Litchfield, who is spokesman, yells out.

  Jack is first to shake Bob’s hand, ‘Thanks Bob. Did you organise this?’

  ‘Jack I had a hand in it, but don’t underestimate how much support you all have in the village. A lot of people wanted to send you men off with a bang and we are all very proud of what you are doing,’ he says.

  The men wander around the group and receive well wishes from everyone! Hugs, kisses and handshakes are the order of the day as the sun continues to slowly rise. Josh turns to spy his older sister Jodi amongst the crowd with his mother and father. She hugs him and plants a kiss on his cheek, ‘Good luck,’ she whispers and Josh notices a tear slowly running down her cheek.

  Ron and Teresa Harman too hug Josh as Ron shakes his hand firmly as he always does, but this morning Josh senses a little more emotion from his father too. His mother kisses him and then bleats out for everyone to hear, ‘I am so proud of you Josh!’

  The men are overwhelmed by the support they receive. Joe raises his hands above his head to calm the group and then in a loud voice asks, ‘Can I have your attention for just a moment please.’ The large group silence to listen to Joe speak.

  ‘Wow! Thank you everyone. On behalf of Sam, Jack and Josh, I want to thank you all for coming out so early this morning, and I want to thank you for the support you have shown. I cannot tell you how humbled I am, and I know the other men feel the same. To see family and friends as we turned into Ripley Street is just so so humbling………..thank you!’


  The large crowd break into a roar and acknowledge Joe’s speech.

  Joe again raises his hands above his head and with the crowd still watching on adds, ‘As humbled and appreciative as we are, we must now head off so that we can make the most of our first day. Again thank you so much!’


  The crowd again recognises the men, clapping their hands. The drummer beats the large drum as the men slowly walk away.



  As the group slowly walks away, they turn and wave acknowledging the large crowd who as one wave back. Wolf whistles, cheering and with the drummer still beating his drum the men slowly walk into the clearing and head towards the dense forest. The forest on the edge of the village is thick and lush and whilst there is a clearing of some considerable distance before entering the forest, it is an area that villagers seldom enter. Dereton is surrounded by forest on all sides although on the eastern and southern side, roads have been made which connect with Dousel to the east some forty five miles away, and Merriton the closest village only seven miles to the south. So it is hardly surprising that the isolated little village which is often referred to as the furthest outpost has thrown its support behind the men all of whom are well known in Dereton.

  ‘Wow, I never expected such an outpouring of support as that,’ Jack says excitedly.

  ‘No! Took me by surprise too, I must admit,’ Sam adds in a quietly spoken voice.

  They reach the end of the clearing after walking for almost a half hour and look into the dark forest that is now directly ahead. The entrance is littered with small ferns, and dark green moss can be seen growing on fallen and rotting trees. The men tread cautiously as they peer into the forest.

  ‘This is just the outer edge. It will get thicker the further in we go,’ Joe says aloud.

  ‘Geez I think we may need that big hatchet, Joe to cut some of those vines that are hanging
down,’ Josh replies as his eyes dart every which way taking in the view.

  The group is barely into their first day and already they realise that it will be tough going. The forest is thick, and with a tall canopy it is dark and cold. The sun pierces the forest canopy occasionally providing some light but otherwise there is a consistency of large trees, vines, moss, ferns and a damp muddy forest floor. The men have trekked for almost two hours and Joe pipes up, ‘Guys let’s take a breather up here and rest for a bit.’

  ‘Yes I certainly won’t argue with that,’ Jack adds.

  ‘I thought you young fellas were tough?’ Sam laughs as he slowly removes his back pack and sits on a large log.

  ‘I don’t know so much about tough Sam. I must admit I didn’t really think that the forest would be this taxing on our bodies,’ Jack replies.

  ‘Well its day one guys, so we may have to get used to it. Besides we really don’t know how far we may have to go before we find anything or anyone,’ Joe insists.

  The men share some water to quench their thirst and Joe pulls out an apple from his back pack and crunches on the fresh fruit.

  After a lengthy break Joe stands, grabs his back pack and places the straps over his shoulders. He takes the lead and the other men follow after similarly fastening their back packs over their shoulders and slowly trudging onwards. It is more of the same terrain and Joe fidgets as he checks his compass and continues to walk. The men decide to take turns leading with the man in front of the group at times cutting through vines and ferns to make a path. The forest has an abundance of noises which hasn’t gone unnoticed by the group. Different bird sounds, calls and shrieks can be heard coming from above and small fowls or chickens are seen darting around the forest floor. Butterflies many with different colours and sizes are in abundance as are beetles, and insects.

  ‘I suppose we may need to be careful of snakes,’ Josh yells out after taking note of the many different sounds that surround the men.